quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

Late hours at night.

“The tale is set in motion…
Curtin’s up,
It will be one to call for love and eternal devotion…”

Her hands can barely little the candle…
Lips praying while
Her minds blown with believe…
Add enough… This pain is more she can handle…

There, were no-one could see,
Under the bed she tried to hide.
That’s when the Darkness called her 
With eyes that glowed so bright… 
She yearns to be safe and sound…

So prays for Him to be around,
And waits in bed
For the last kisses…

Tired of waiting, slept,
So, His entrance she misses…

Stopping at her side,
He Looks at her, alive,
One last time…

Drown in love,
She says to the house,
Her last goodbye.

They look at the night,
Hands entwined as one…
Together they fly, out of this World,
Forever gone.

Carlos Miguel Vieira

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